Saturday, March 3, 2018

Facts and the Internet

With so many now going to the Internet for information, it is important to remember how often that information can be wrong. For example, I have direct experience of two whoppers.

In an obit for my ex Polly, you learn that we had a daughter, Kate. This is false. On the contrary, it was during my marriage to Polly that I got a vasectomy (on V Day!). When she came out gay, she later connected with a woman who had a daughter, Kate, whom Polly co-parented. The obit writer learned she had a daughter and assumed I was the father, apparently.

As recently posted, a website identifies a rue Charles Deemer in Brussels. How nice to think a street might be named after you! Alas, ends up it's a typo for rue Charles Demeer, according to a Brussels street map. Boo hoo.

The trouble with these falsehoods is that they apparently are there forever, recirculating and growing, and we all pay the consequences in a world where facts have less and less authority. Perfect for the autocrat, of course. Just perfect.

But maybe I'll let that street lie go its own way for a while ha ha. 


  1. Perhaps they DID name it after you. It's just that all these years they thought you were Charles Demeer, writer. Best version of the story to me.


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