Monday, June 4, 2018

Plato and Trump

Plato abhorred democracy and Trump, and more so his followers, are the reason why. The late Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon called himself the Education Senator because he believed that the most important element in a functioning democracy is an enlightened citizenry. Well, clearly we have lost one. Plato's argument against democracy, despite the myth of American greatness, is not easily dismissed.

And yet the political landscape would look better if Congress found its balls and restored a balance of power with the executive branch. Political affiliation should not drive this but the Constitution itself. We have an executive now who already is musing about pardoning himself! Is there a clearer indication of an authoritarian mindset?


  1. How sad you Democrats take everything out of context and twist them to suit your talking points. President Trump is not the polished politician we are used to but he has accomplished some good stuff in his first 500 days....too bad Democrats are so blinded with hate.

  2. I'm not a Democrat! The issue is Plato raised is, How best to define an electorate for the greater good. Go find some Democrats to pick on ha ha.


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